Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hell yes

Lately I've just been messing around, having given up much hope of improving 0mega. I leveled a prince to 50 just for fun, and tried to play my elf a bit but just find him a bit boring. Finally, he gave me a reason to like him...

+9 Power Gloves have been a huge goal of mine and I spent many hours trying just to gather PGs from 42f.

Today, Vici0sa (ty!) signed on and sold me 9 +0 PGs. I got impatient at the end of the night, blew about 5 bcomrs, then hit the PGs. The first blew, second went +7, the next 6 blew and the last one went +6. I blew the +6 because of course you have to. It blew up, so I hit the +7 and it went +8.

As you may be able to tell from my last post of pics, I blew a lot of stuff very recently, including +8 PG (along with +8iboot x 2, +8bcomr, +8elven shield and some other things). Since I basically went so badly with +8 items while drunk a few days before, I decided to hit the +8PG because I was just getting impatient. Finally, +9PG, my new favorite item.

That brings me to the cusp of my goal, which is to use my basic hunting gear (STR and Fire Resist Items) and still get -100 ac. Right now I can get -99AC with 35 STR, 86% MR, 100% Fire Resist. If I hit level 79, I will get a bonus ac and reach the goal of -100. Otherwise, I need +10red knight hood or shield, +8beleth boots, or +8valakas armor....not likely!

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