Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to briefly let everyone know that a few changes were made to the server, and assure you all that many more are in the works!

During the most recent server maintenance the following updates were applied:
  • Spell books, spell crystals, and dark spell crystals are now stackable
  • Ivory Tower Ring, Ancient Book of Magic and Tarak's Devil Book are now tradeable
  • 1F Meeting Area, 2F Magic Training, Abyss Lake, Ant Cave 3F, Crystal Cave 3F, Giant's Grave, and Losus IslandTeleport Scrolls are now available from Melissa in Aden
  • The price of Pan's Mane at the NPC shop in SKT has been lowered
  • Mithril arrows are now available for purchase at the Giran scroll shop
  • Mermaid scale drop rate increased
  • Loot range distance doubled
  • Steel Staff of Mana available for purchase at Oren NPC shop; stats changed
  • Stats changed for Edoryu of Ronde
A few comments from me: The stackable spellbooks and crystals is a high quality change that will enhance gameplay a lot. Inventories won't fill up so fast, and selling them to the shop will be much quicker and easier. Also, for ranged chars, looting will be easier so you dont have to pick drops up off the floor, and have a better chance to take drops from bosses if you can get close enough and stay alive :)

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