Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mission Accomplished

I have always had a few specific goals in mind for my lineage playing days, and this was one of them:

Finally did it. Now, onto whatever is next. I think +9 Power Gloves is highest on my list of goals remaining.

Another Ronde Edo dropped recently, not to me, but to someone who can actually put it to good use. It's nice to see people continue to get stronger, even when they reach the apex of the game.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hey everyone,

I've got some pictures to post up when I'm not at work. Just some shots of the various things that have been going on inside the WK lineage server for the last few weeks, plus a bit of my own progress. I'll update once I get out of the office.

Moving on...there is currently a karma event (!) taking place on the server. It began today and will continue through the 26th of July. This is the first karma event since I have been on the server, and I've been saving up all my fragments of soul stone just for this. All karma rewards (from turning in stones and from killing karma mops) are triple!

This may give a few dedicated hunters a chance to hit the elusive level 8 earring, although, in my opinion, the level 6,7,8 earring bonuses are not strong enough to represent just how difficult it is to obtain that much karma. For example, even with triple karma, it takes 4,375 fragments of soul stone to get from no karma, to level 8 karma. As a level 75+ deleveled knight, I've basically hunted over 120 levels, and haven't collected that many stones. It is a very difficult accomplishment, and in my humble opinion, the bonuses should get a little better as the difficultly level goes up.

In any event, the karma earrings from TOS are an absolute necessity for any player, and everyone should be aiming for at least level 5 earrings! Below is a breakdown of the karma earring bonuses. I recommend going for earring karma in TOS and upper SOE before trying to hunt Desire Cavern for the karma necklaces. The necklace bonuses aren't quite as good, and they prevent you from wearing a stat necklace like STR ammy or Black Wiz Ammy.

Level 1: Dancing Earrings, -1 AC
Level 2: Twin Earrings, -2 AC
Level 3: Festival Earrings, -3 AC
Level 4: Zenith Earrings, -3 AC, +25 HP, +10 MP
Level 5: Reckless Earrings, -3 AC, +50 HP, +25 MP
Level 6: Fantasy Horse Earrings, -3 AC, +50 HP, +25 MP, +2% Weight Reduction
Level 7: Clan Earrings, -3 AC, +50 HP, +25 MP, +5% Weight Reduction
Level 8: Slave Earrings, -3 AC, +50 HP, +25 MP, +10% Weight Reduction

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hey everyone

Hope you're all enjoying the 2x experience and drop event. Everyone seems to be doing well and having a good time. Population has been rather robust with lots of new players starting to take root, gear up and make good progress.

Not too much to report from my end, except that I used the event to finally motivate myself to level. I hadn't done any leveling for several months, and had actually seen my xp move backwards as I died a few times doing dumb things as per usual. I managed to gain about 30% this weekend, putting me at around 80% toward the next level. That's really the home stretch mentally for me, and I'll probably see it out until I hit the next useless stat point. After that, probably another month of screwing around with no progress.

I am working on making a +9 power glove, so if anyone wants to sell their ogre bloods to me, I'll buy em all. I figure I need about 500 (o.o) of them in order to have a real shot at +9. So far I've saved up about 19.

Saturday, July 3, 2010