Friday, May 21, 2010

Stat Choices

Having played primarily elves and knights in my lineage career, I can't speak too well to the considerations of other classes, but I'd like to offer my thoughts on at least one aspect of the decision where to allocate your stats.

Under the current system (the stat-reroll candles have not yet been implemented into our server) there are two things that you can't fix later in the game, if you don't consider them at the early stages. They are HP and MP. If you're a knight, you can add to STR whenever you want, and the bonuses will apply regardless of when you added. The same is true for DEX, regardless of what level you are when you add it, the ER and AC bonuses will apply corresponding to that level.

With HP and MP, it is different, because the important HP/MP bonuses are based on level ups, and they apply at the time you level up. Adding to CON in the end game provides far less of an advantage than adding to CON in the early stages. If you add one point to CON at level 51, and later reach 71, that's 20 level ups where you get the benefit of that added CON point. if you wait until level 71 to add the stat, you get zero level ups to benefit from. WIS works the same way for MP.

My suggestion, under the current system, add to CON or WIS early and often, maximize your HP or MP for the late stages, because you can't make up for it later on.

Waiting to add things like DEX STR INT will make it more difficult to level up as quickly as if you max them out early. On the other hand, maxing them out early makes it much easier to level up quickly, and maximize the number of levels you can achieve. That strategy may be worth considering with the eventual stat reroll candles. The more level ups you have made, the more stat points you will have to reallocate with the reroll.

In a boosted XP server, I think it's worth while to level slightly less quickly, for the advantages that come in the end game with ultra high HP or MP.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The quest for -127 AC

Sup folks,

After stagnating for quite a while on my AC, I randomly fell into some luck and some opportunities to improve it. After dying a few too many times and getting frustrated, I took a whole load of BCOMRs I'd been holding onto and went at them with the nzel/bzel/czel hotkey combo. No sure how many I blew, maybe 25 to 30 of them, but in the end I had two +8s. Obviously, that is no place to stop, considering the +8 already draped over my shoulders. This time though, I used Gian scrolls from the Ancient Giant Grave. The first one popped, not surprisingly, but much to my delight, the last standing BCOMR in my inventory glows with the shine that only a +9 can.

The next AC point came from a random opportunity. A fellow pledge mate COLLECTION who has probably the strongest active DE on the server had gotten bored of his Kaiser Edo and wanted to enchant it up. When that blew, like any logical player, he started blowing his everything else. Miraculously, he notched his T-Shirt up to +9. After negotiating a price for it, I ended up buying it from him for my leftover +8bcomr (the one I was wearing when I made a +9), the +8T-shirt off my back, and 100million adena.

The last AC point involved some fairly uber items, so I'll put that up in a few days with screenshots. Also, here's a shot of one of our mages doing an imitation of the AG we just ended.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dragon Scale Event!

At the moment, the WK server is enjoying a month-long event through the end of May. Dragon scales of all varieties are dropping from monsters in various locations around Aden. In Fire Valley, Death Valley, Oren Waste Land, and the Twilight Mountains mops can drop you scales of any color.

Ordinarily, scales are fairly scarce. This event will hopefully allow users to make some of those elusive items like Dragon Scale Mail, Magical Dragon Armor, Sayha's Bow, Eva's Shield, and elemental cloaks. If anyone is lucky, they can hopefully enchant something up and make something truly unique.

I myself and working on Magic Dragon Armors for my knight, hoping to eventually break out the Nzels and Bzels and go for broke. (Ed: About 4 weeks ago, I may or may not have imbibed a few too many alcoholic beverages, and may or may not have blown the Magic Dragon Armors I had at the time QQ)



Welcome everyone to the Westknights Lineage 1 blog!

My name is David, I play multiple characters on the WK Lin 1 server, mainly 0megaknight and Gunz, and have been active since around Thanksgiving 2009. I hope to use this space to chronicle some of the more interesting happenings on the server, provide helpful information regarding some of the server's unique qualities and events, and offer up screenshots that people may enjoy.

Anyone who has played any MMORPG knows that it is difficult to keep up with what everyone else around you is up to. For those who are currently active on WK Lin 1 server, those who used to be, and those who may be interested in getting started, hopefully this place will enable you to follow along and stay involved even when you can't actually log in.


The Westknights Lineage 1 server is a very stable medium rate server with a few customizations and a close nit community. Many of the players and members of the current private server community were involved with Westknights back on Ken Server years ago, or even in other games. I personally played an elf on Ken server named YoungGunz, and was in the WK bloodpledge up until many of the members migrated to Lineage 2. I was loyal to Lineage 1 (read: too lazy to learn a new game) and played it until I quit about 7 years ago. I jumped at the chance to join the WK Lineage server, and recommend that anyone who used to play and love Lineage to hop in and check it out.
